17 Phillips Avenue, Belgravia, Harare, Zimbabwe

Mon-Fri, 8AM-5.30PM. Sat 8AM-2PM. Sun CLOSED

Frequently Asked Questions

Our clients have asked us...

At Kudvic we value your questions and make every effort to respond to all questions. We have gathered the questions that are asked the most. Feel free to contact us for any further questions

The Only Stupid Question is the One You Don’t Ask. …
Can i provide the fuel for the machinery

Yes you may. You will be charged a 'dry' rate. Please note that we only accept fuel that comes straight from the pump so as to protect our engines from poor quality fuel.

Can i use my own machine operator / driver

Unfortunately not, we provide experienced operators who have been trained to take good care of the machines.

Request a quote

Would you like to speak to us over the phone? Just submit your details and we’ll be in touch shortly. You can also email us on sales@kudvic.co.zw if you would prefer.

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© Copyright 2023 Kudvic (Pvt) Ltd

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